Intro 101
Everything i feel, i think, i hear, i see, and touch.This is a testament to my individuality. My quest for peace. My sanctuary. The result of my boredom.
Because I am feeling sentimental..allow me to begin my blogging experience by writing down my top 5 boredom-killer movies with a piece of my mind of course.
5. The Gladiator
EPIC is the right word to describe The Gladiator. Maximus kicks Roman ass so hard that you will want to savor every bit of this film. The first few minutes will kill your boredom right away. This is just epic nuff said.

4. High Fidelity
The main conspirator and inspiration for my future top 10's or 5's. This movie introduced me to the genre of romantic comedy, in fact this is romantic comedy at its best. And they should thank Jack Black for that. Remember when they said that a film always has its ups and downs? This film proves it wrong. Its very entertaining and if ever you're tired of the same old love story, this is for you.

3. The Last Castle
This movie has captivated the very depths of my soul. You don't see a General court martialed everyday. He led over 1200 brave inmates to rise against a fucking corrupt system. Believe me, you will feel his pain at the scene wherein he lifted a thousand rocks. In every story, there will always be a shithead who will pay the price at the end, with this in mind, I cant help but wait for Col. Winter to get his ass kicked by a four star General.

2. Con Air
A movie so damn entertaining that it will thrill you from start to finish. I don't want to sound a complete idiot by judging the stunts so i wont and just stick to what I enjoyed the most, the storyline, it was so perfect and the characters didn't disappoint. Especially for John Malkovich who played the infamous Cyrus 'The Virus' Grissom, he displayed no weakness and became a formidable antagonist for US Ranger/Convict Cameron Poe played by Nicolas Cage.

1. The Rock
A story about a chemical nerd and a super ex-con who incidentally were the best in their fields. Michael Bay deserves a monument for this movie..I have yet to see a movie which matches The Rock's excitement and sheer reality. The only time i took my head off the screen was when i was checking my phone.
It was never dull. This movie will make you think that Alcatraz was built entirely for the purpose of the film.

I should start to introduce myself but that's too cliche right. Katamad kasi.
i like your top 5 BOREDOM-KILLER MOVIES. :)
keep on blogging baby :)
thanks baby..boredom is impossible whenever I'm with you. Loveyou.
i know babe :) boredom is not in our dictionary whenever we're together :) iloveyoumore :*
:) i'm happy 4 both of you... go IDOL... :)