Ituloy ang laban..this was the tag line of Liberal Party's standard bearer Benigno Simeon Aquino III..Laban which strongly relates to his late mother and former president Corazon C. Aquino. His parents became the voice of the masses under the regime of Ferdinand Marcos.
Blessed are those who were in Epifanio de los Santos Avenue or otherwise known as EDSA during the first People Power Revolution during 1986. It was democracy at its full power. Its actually poetic. Its the stuff of magic and i will give my right hand to go back in time and witness it firsthand.
But before all of the ruckus there was one man, a man so brave that at a very young age of 17 he was able to cover the Korean War, a man so driven by his desire to serve the people that at the age of 22 he became the mayor of Concepcion, Tarlac, a man so heroic that he was willing to die for us. His name is Benigno Aquino, Jr...Ninoy.
Of all the traits that he possess, the one that stuck to me was his ability to inspire others.
The Filipinos are worth dying for..
and died he did..but the passion did not..The fire was still there..and millions of Filipinos fueled it. They rallied behind the wife of Ninoy and they were successful.
At February 25, 1986, Corazon Aquino was peacefully sworn in as the 11th president of the Republic Of The Philippines.
Cory Aquino 23 years later she died of colon cancer..there were no words to describe how magnificent the reaction of the people due to her death. The same reception was given to her and her late husband. They were so loved.
The fire was revived..and it was their only son..Noynoy Aquino's time to harness it. 15.7 million Filipinos trusted him the highest position in the land. He inherited the blood of heroes. So I hope he wont let us down. I believe in luck but the factor that played the key role in his victory was Destiny..he was supposed to be there..from the moment Ninoy was shot and fell on the concrete tarmac of the Manila National Airport, his journey began.. Its his destiny. Make the 3 stars and a sun proud. Godspeed.

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